Cochranella erminea, a new species of Centrolenidae (Amphibia: Anura: Athesphatanura) from Amazonian Peru)
Abstract.--We describe a new species of Centrolenidae, Cochranella erminea n. sp., from the Amazonian lowlands of the department of Junín, Peru. This new species is diagnosed from other centrolenids by having vomerine teeth, bones green in life, parietal peritoneum and pericardium white, all other visceral peritonea clear, dorsum in life viridian to olive green with abundant enameled (bright white) flecks/spots on flat warts, and scattered larger dark blue spots on warts, extensive webbing between outer fingers, snout in profile slightly sloping anteroventraly, and rounded in dorsal view, iris in life between light grey and slate gray with fine darker gray reticulations. We also present new information on the distribution of C. truebae and C. ametarsia in Peru..
Cita / Citation: Torres-Gastello, C.P., J. Suarez-Segovia, J. & D.F. Cisneros-Heredia. 2007. Cochranella erminea, a new species of Centrolenidae (Amphibia: Anura: Athesphatanura) from Amazonian Peru. Journal of the National Museum (Prague), Natural History Series 176 (1): 1-12.
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