The taxonomic status of Rhaebo anderssoni (Melin, 1941) (Anura: Bufonidae)
Abstract.-- Bufo anderssoni Melin, 1941 is synonymised with Rhaebo guttatus (Schneider, 1799) based on direct comparison of the holotypes of both and fresh material. All characters of the former fall within the intraspecific variation of R. guttatus. The few characters used in the original description to distinguish anderssoni from guttatus (narrower interorbital space, smaller tympanum and smaller size) are not considered important interspecific differences, but rather dependent on ontogenetic development.
Cita / Citation: Barrio-Amorós, C. L. & Castroviejo-Fisher, S. (2007) The taxonomic status of Rhaebo anderssoni (Melin, 1941) (Anura: Bufonidae). Salamandra 43(4): 250-253.
Correos electrónicos de los autores: Cesar L. Barrio-Amoros, Santiago Castroviejo-Fisher
by DF Cisneros-Heredia
¡Porque en la diversidad está el gusto!
Conocimiento, ciencia, vida, conservación, comunicación, educación, libertad.
06 noviembre 2007
Stress in Invasive Cane Toads
Invasion, stress, and spinal arthritis in cane toads
Abstract.-- The impact of invasive species on biodiversity has attracted considerable study, but impacts of the invasion process on the invaders themselves remain less clear. Invading species encounter conditions different from those in their ancestral habitats and are subject to intense selection for rapid dispersal. The end result may be significant stress on individual organisms, with consequent health problems. Our studies on invasive cane toads in Australia reveal severe spinal arthritis in c. 10% of large adult toads, associated with the same factors (large body size, frequent movement, and relatively long legs) that have enabled toads to invade so rapidly across the Australian tropics.
Cita / Citation: Brown, G. P., Shilton, C., Phillips, B. L. & Shine, R. (2007) Invasion, stress, and spinal arthritis in cane toads. PNAS 104(45). 10.1073/pnas.0705057104
Autor a quien correspondencia debe ser dirigida: Richard Shine
Enlace al Abstract (acceso gratis a la publicación completa en paises de Latinoamerica):
Abstract.-- The impact of invasive species on biodiversity has attracted considerable study, but impacts of the invasion process on the invaders themselves remain less clear. Invading species encounter conditions different from those in their ancestral habitats and are subject to intense selection for rapid dispersal. The end result may be significant stress on individual organisms, with consequent health problems. Our studies on invasive cane toads in Australia reveal severe spinal arthritis in c. 10% of large adult toads, associated with the same factors (large body size, frequent movement, and relatively long legs) that have enabled toads to invade so rapidly across the Australian tropics.
Cita / Citation: Brown, G. P., Shilton, C., Phillips, B. L. & Shine, R. (2007) Invasion, stress, and spinal arthritis in cane toads. PNAS 104(45). 10.1073/pnas.0705057104
Autor a quien correspondencia debe ser dirigida: Richard Shine
Enlace al Abstract (acceso gratis a la publicación completa en paises de Latinoamerica):
04 noviembre 2007
Underestimation of Species Richness in Neotropical Frogs
Underestimation of Species Richness in Neotropical Frogs Revealed by mtDNA Analyses
Abstract.-- Background. Amphibians are rapidly vanishing. At the same time, it is most likely that the number of amphibian species is highly underestimated. Recent DNA barcoding work has attempted to define a threshold between intra- and inter-specific genetic distances to help identify candidate species. In groups with high extinction rates and poorly known species boundaries, like amphibians, such tools may provide a way to rapidly evaluate species richness. Methodology. Here we analyse published and new 16S rDNA sequences from 60 frog species of Amazonia-Guianas to obtain a minimum estimate of the number of undescribed species in this region. We combined isolation by distance, phylogenetic analyses, and comparison of molecular distances to evaluate threshold values for the identification of candidate species among these frogs. Principal Findings. In most cases, geographically distant populations belong to genetically highly distinct lineages that could be considered as candidate new species. This was not universal among the taxa studied and thus widespread species of Neotropical frogs really do exist, contrary to previous assumptions. Moreover, the many instances of paraphyly and the wide overlap between distributions of inter- and intra-specific distances reinforce the hypothesis that many cryptic species remain to be described. In our data set, pairwise genetic distances below 0.02 are strongly correlated with geographical distances. This correlation remains statistically significant until genetic distance is 0.05, with no such relation thereafter. This suggests that for higher distances allopatric and sympatric cryptic species prevail. Based on our analyses, we propose a more inclusive pairwise genetic distance of 0.03 between taxa to target lineages that could correspond to candidate species. Conclusions. Using this approach, we identify 129 candidate species, two-fold greater than the 60 species included in the current study. This leads to estimates of around 170 to 460 frog taxa unrecognized in Amazonia-Guianas. Significance. As a consequence the global amphibian decline detected especially in the Neotropics may be worse than realised.
Cita / Citation: Fouquet, A., Gilles, A., Vences, M., Marty, C., Blanc, M. & Gemmellet, N. J. (2007) Underestimation of Species Richness in Neotropical Frogs Revealed by mtDNA Analyses. PLoS ONE 2(10): e1109. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001109
Acceso libre al artículo y al pdf / Open access to the article and its pdf:
<<PLoS ONE (eISSN-1932-6203) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication. PLoS ONE welcomes reports on primary research from any scientific discipline. PLoS ONE is published by the Public Library of Science (PLoS), a nonprofit organization. PLoS ONE's start-up phase is supported by a grant from the Open Society Institute.>>
Abstract.-- Background. Amphibians are rapidly vanishing. At the same time, it is most likely that the number of amphibian species is highly underestimated. Recent DNA barcoding work has attempted to define a threshold between intra- and inter-specific genetic distances to help identify candidate species. In groups with high extinction rates and poorly known species boundaries, like amphibians, such tools may provide a way to rapidly evaluate species richness. Methodology. Here we analyse published and new 16S rDNA sequences from 60 frog species of Amazonia-Guianas to obtain a minimum estimate of the number of undescribed species in this region. We combined isolation by distance, phylogenetic analyses, and comparison of molecular distances to evaluate threshold values for the identification of candidate species among these frogs. Principal Findings. In most cases, geographically distant populations belong to genetically highly distinct lineages that could be considered as candidate new species. This was not universal among the taxa studied and thus widespread species of Neotropical frogs really do exist, contrary to previous assumptions. Moreover, the many instances of paraphyly and the wide overlap between distributions of inter- and intra-specific distances reinforce the hypothesis that many cryptic species remain to be described. In our data set, pairwise genetic distances below 0.02 are strongly correlated with geographical distances. This correlation remains statistically significant until genetic distance is 0.05, with no such relation thereafter. This suggests that for higher distances allopatric and sympatric cryptic species prevail. Based on our analyses, we propose a more inclusive pairwise genetic distance of 0.03 between taxa to target lineages that could correspond to candidate species. Conclusions. Using this approach, we identify 129 candidate species, two-fold greater than the 60 species included in the current study. This leads to estimates of around 170 to 460 frog taxa unrecognized in Amazonia-Guianas. Significance. As a consequence the global amphibian decline detected especially in the Neotropics may be worse than realised.
Cita / Citation: Fouquet, A., Gilles, A., Vences, M., Marty, C., Blanc, M. & Gemmellet, N. J. (2007) Underestimation of Species Richness in Neotropical Frogs Revealed by mtDNA Analyses. PLoS ONE 2(10): e1109. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001109
Acceso libre al artículo y al pdf / Open access to the article and its pdf:
<<PLoS ONE (eISSN-1932-6203) is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access, online publication. PLoS ONE welcomes reports on primary research from any scientific discipline. PLoS ONE is published by the Public Library of Science (PLoS), a nonprofit organization. PLoS ONE's start-up phase is supported by a grant from the Open Society Institute.>>
09 octubre 2007
Cochranella erminea sp. nov.
Cochranella erminea, a new species of Centrolenidae (Amphibia: Anura: Athesphatanura) from Amazonian Peru)
Abstract.--We describe a new species of Centrolenidae, Cochranella erminea n. sp., from the Amazonian lowlands of the department of Junín, Peru. This new species is diagnosed from other centrolenids by having vomerine teeth, bones green in life, parietal peritoneum and pericardium white, all other visceral peritonea clear, dorsum in life viridian to olive green with abundant enameled (bright white) flecks/spots on flat warts, and scattered larger dark blue spots on warts, extensive webbing between outer fingers, snout in profile slightly sloping anteroventraly, and rounded in dorsal view, iris in life between light grey and slate gray with fine darker gray reticulations. We also present new information on the distribution of C. truebae and C. ametarsia in Peru..
Cita / Citation: Torres-Gastello, C.P., J. Suarez-Segovia, J. & D.F. Cisneros-Heredia. 2007. Cochranella erminea, a new species of Centrolenidae (Amphibia: Anura: Athesphatanura) from Amazonian Peru. Journal of the National Museum (Prague), Natural History Series 176 (1): 1-12.
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Abstract.--We describe a new species of Centrolenidae, Cochranella erminea n. sp., from the Amazonian lowlands of the department of Junín, Peru. This new species is diagnosed from other centrolenids by having vomerine teeth, bones green in life, parietal peritoneum and pericardium white, all other visceral peritonea clear, dorsum in life viridian to olive green with abundant enameled (bright white) flecks/spots on flat warts, and scattered larger dark blue spots on warts, extensive webbing between outer fingers, snout in profile slightly sloping anteroventraly, and rounded in dorsal view, iris in life between light grey and slate gray with fine darker gray reticulations. We also present new information on the distribution of C. truebae and C. ametarsia in Peru..
Cita / Citation: Torres-Gastello, C.P., J. Suarez-Segovia, J. & D.F. Cisneros-Heredia. 2007. Cochranella erminea, a new species of Centrolenidae (Amphibia: Anura: Athesphatanura) from Amazonian Peru. Journal of the National Museum (Prague), Natural History Series 176 (1): 1-12.
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31 agosto 2007
Nymphargus new genus
Revision of the characters of Centrolenidae (Amphibia: Anura: Athesphatanura), with comments on its taxonomy and the description of new taxa of glassfrogs
Abstract.--Anurans of the family Centrolenidae are a diverse clade of arboreal frogs distributed across tropical America. Knowledge of their taxonomy, systematics, ecology, behavior, morphology, and other evolutionary aspects of their biology is deficient. Relationships among centrolenid species remain largely unresolved, with no satisfactory phylogenetic hypothesis, and none of the current genera has compelling evidence of monophyly. Further, understanding the phylogeny of glassfrogs is constrained by species-level taxonomic problems, including incorrect description of characters, incomplete analyses of intraspecific variation, and lack of appreciation of species diversity. Herein, we define and analyze the 23 characters that are useful, in combination, in diagnosing centrolenid species, and thereby provide a reference for the use of future workers. We propose revised classifications for the parietal and visceral peritoneal pigmentation, liver form and coloration of its associated hepatic peritoneum, nuptial excrescences, and hand ornamentation. We comment on the generic and species-level taxonomy of Centrolenidae, proposing the recognition of a new genus and describing a new species from Ecuador. We treat Hyla ocellifera Boulenger as a synonym of Centrolene prosoblepon (Boettger), Hyalinobatrachium cardiacalyptum McCranie & Wilson as a synonym of Hyalinobatrachium chirripoi (Taylor), and Hyalinobatrachium crybetes McCranie and Wilson as a synonym of Hyalinobatrachium colymbiphyllum (Taylor). We also present an annotated list of the species of glassfrogs from the Republic of Ecuador with some distributional remarks.
Resumen.--Los anuros de la familia Centrolenidae forman un clado diverso de ranas arbóreas distribuidas a lo largo de América tropical. El conocimiento sobre su taxonomía, sistemática, ecología, comportamiento, morfología y otros aspectos biológicos y evolutivos es deficiente. Las relaciones entre las especies de centrolénidos permanecen ampliamente sin resolver, sin hipótesis filogenéticas satisfactorias y todos los géneros actuales tienen evidencia clara de su no-monofília. Más aún, el entendimiento de la filogenia de las ranas de cristal está limitado por problemas taxonómicos al nivel de especies, incluyendo la descripción incorrecta de caracteres, análisis incompletos de la variación intraespecífica y la falta de apreciación de la diversidad de especies. En este trabajo, nosotro definimos y analizamos los 23 caracteres que son útiles, en combinación, para diagnosticar todas las especies de centrolénidos, proveyendo una referencia para el uso de futuros investigadores. Proponemos clasificaciones revisadas para la pigmentación de los peritoneos parietal y visceral, la forma del hígado y la coloración del peritoneo hepático asociado, las excrescencias nupciales y las ornamentaciones manuales. Comentamos sobre la taxonomía a nivel genérico y específico de Centrolenidae, proponiendo el reconocimiento de un nuevo género y la descripción de una nueva especie de Ecuador. Colocamos a Hyla ocellifera Boulenger como un sinónimo de Centrolene prosoblepon (Boettger); a Hyalinobatrachium cardiacalyptum McCranie & Wilson como sinónimo de Hyalinobatrachium chirripoi (Taylor); y a Hyalinobatrachium crybetes McCranie and Wilson como sinónimo de Hyalinobatrachium colymbiphyllum (Taylor). Presentamos una lista anotada de las especies de ranas de cristal de la República del Ecuador con algunos comentarios sobre su distribución.
Cita / Citation: Cisneros-Heredia, D. F. & R. W McDiarmid. 2007. Revision of the characters of Centrolenidae (Amphibia: Anura: Athesphatanura), with comments on its taxonomy and the description of new taxa of glassfrogs. Zootaxa 1572: 1-82.
Descargar el pdf de este artículo: HAZ CLICK AQUI
Mas información:
Abstract.--Anurans of the family Centrolenidae are a diverse clade of arboreal frogs distributed across tropical America. Knowledge of their taxonomy, systematics, ecology, behavior, morphology, and other evolutionary aspects of their biology is deficient. Relationships among centrolenid species remain largely unresolved, with no satisfactory phylogenetic hypothesis, and none of the current genera has compelling evidence of monophyly. Further, understanding the phylogeny of glassfrogs is constrained by species-level taxonomic problems, including incorrect description of characters, incomplete analyses of intraspecific variation, and lack of appreciation of species diversity. Herein, we define and analyze the 23 characters that are useful, in combination, in diagnosing centrolenid species, and thereby provide a reference for the use of future workers. We propose revised classifications for the parietal and visceral peritoneal pigmentation, liver form and coloration of its associated hepatic peritoneum, nuptial excrescences, and hand ornamentation. We comment on the generic and species-level taxonomy of Centrolenidae, proposing the recognition of a new genus and describing a new species from Ecuador. We treat Hyla ocellifera Boulenger as a synonym of Centrolene prosoblepon (Boettger), Hyalinobatrachium cardiacalyptum McCranie & Wilson as a synonym of Hyalinobatrachium chirripoi (Taylor), and Hyalinobatrachium crybetes McCranie and Wilson as a synonym of Hyalinobatrachium colymbiphyllum (Taylor). We also present an annotated list of the species of glassfrogs from the Republic of Ecuador with some distributional remarks.
Resumen.--Los anuros de la familia Centrolenidae forman un clado diverso de ranas arbóreas distribuidas a lo largo de América tropical. El conocimiento sobre su taxonomía, sistemática, ecología, comportamiento, morfología y otros aspectos biológicos y evolutivos es deficiente. Las relaciones entre las especies de centrolénidos permanecen ampliamente sin resolver, sin hipótesis filogenéticas satisfactorias y todos los géneros actuales tienen evidencia clara de su no-monofília. Más aún, el entendimiento de la filogenia de las ranas de cristal está limitado por problemas taxonómicos al nivel de especies, incluyendo la descripción incorrecta de caracteres, análisis incompletos de la variación intraespecífica y la falta de apreciación de la diversidad de especies. En este trabajo, nosotro definimos y analizamos los 23 caracteres que son útiles, en combinación, para diagnosticar todas las especies de centrolénidos, proveyendo una referencia para el uso de futuros investigadores. Proponemos clasificaciones revisadas para la pigmentación de los peritoneos parietal y visceral, la forma del hígado y la coloración del peritoneo hepático asociado, las excrescencias nupciales y las ornamentaciones manuales. Comentamos sobre la taxonomía a nivel genérico y específico de Centrolenidae, proponiendo el reconocimiento de un nuevo género y la descripción de una nueva especie de Ecuador. Colocamos a Hyla ocellifera Boulenger como un sinónimo de Centrolene prosoblepon (Boettger); a Hyalinobatrachium cardiacalyptum McCranie & Wilson como sinónimo de Hyalinobatrachium chirripoi (Taylor); y a Hyalinobatrachium crybetes McCranie and Wilson como sinónimo de Hyalinobatrachium colymbiphyllum (Taylor). Presentamos una lista anotada de las especies de ranas de cristal de la República del Ecuador con algunos comentarios sobre su distribución.
Cita / Citation: Cisneros-Heredia, D. F. & R. W McDiarmid. 2007. Revision of the characters of Centrolenidae (Amphibia: Anura: Athesphatanura), with comments on its taxonomy and the description of new taxa of glassfrogs. Zootaxa 1572: 1-82.
Descargar el pdf de este artículo: HAZ CLICK AQUI
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27 agosto 2007
Centrolene durrellorum sp. nov.
A new species of glassfrog of the genus Centrolene from the foothills of Cordillera Oriental of Ecuador (Anura: Centrolenidae)
Abstract.--A new species of frog of the family Centrolenidae is described from Ecuador, Centrolene durrellorum sp. nov. This new taxon is the first species of the genus Centrolene known to inhabit the central and southern foothills of the Cordillera Oriental of Ecuador. The new species is diagnosed from other centrolenid taxa by its moderate body size (25.7–26.1 mm adult males), uniform coloration (green in life, pale lavender in preservative), rounded snout in dorsal and lateral views, presence of medium-sized straight humeral spines with a moderate spiny point in adult males and absence of guanophores on the visceral peritonea.
Cita / Citation: Cisneros-Heredia, D. F. 2007. A new species of glassfrog of the genus Centrolene
from the foothills of Cordillera Oriental of Ecuador. Herpetozoa 20 (1/2): 27-34.
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Abstract.--A new species of frog of the family Centrolenidae is described from Ecuador, Centrolene durrellorum sp. nov. This new taxon is the first species of the genus Centrolene known to inhabit the central and southern foothills of the Cordillera Oriental of Ecuador. The new species is diagnosed from other centrolenid taxa by its moderate body size (25.7–26.1 mm adult males), uniform coloration (green in life, pale lavender in preservative), rounded snout in dorsal and lateral views, presence of medium-sized straight humeral spines with a moderate spiny point in adult males and absence of guanophores on the visceral peritonea.
Cita / Citation: Cisneros-Heredia, D. F. 2007. A new species of glassfrog of the genus Centrolene
from the foothills of Cordillera Oriental of Ecuador. Herpetozoa 20 (1/2): 27-34.
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23 agosto 2007
Cochranella buenaventura sp. nov.
Abstract.--Cochranella buenaventura sp. nov. is described from the southern foothills of the Cordillera Occidental, Andes of Ecuador. The new species inhabits the Seasonal Foothill Evergreen forests of the province of El Oro, in the West Ecuadorian biogeographic region. This species is distinguished from other species of glassfrogs by having a truncate snout in dorsal and lateral views, reduced webbing between fingers, absence of guanophores on the digestive visceral peritonea, but present on the renal capsule, absence of humeral spine, green dorsum in life with scattered pale yellow spots, bright yellow hands and feet discs, and moderate body size (20.9-22.4 mm snout-vent length in adult males).
Cita / Citation: Cisneros-Heredia, D. F. & M. H. Yánez-Muñoz. 2007. A NEW SPECIES OF GLASSFROG (CENTROLENIDAE) FROM THE SOUTHERN ANDEAN FOOTHILLS ON THE WEST ECUADORIAN REGION. South American Journal of Herpetology 2(1): 1-10.
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Abstract.--Cochranella buenaventura sp. nov. is described from the southern foothills of the Cordillera Occidental, Andes of Ecuador. The new species inhabits the Seasonal Foothill Evergreen forests of the province of El Oro, in the West Ecuadorian biogeographic region. This species is distinguished from other species of glassfrogs by having a truncate snout in dorsal and lateral views, reduced webbing between fingers, absence of guanophores on the digestive visceral peritonea, but present on the renal capsule, absence of humeral spine, green dorsum in life with scattered pale yellow spots, bright yellow hands and feet discs, and moderate body size (20.9-22.4 mm snout-vent length in adult males).
Cita / Citation: Cisneros-Heredia, D. F. & M. H. Yánez-Muñoz. 2007. A NEW SPECIES OF GLASSFROG (CENTROLENIDAE) FROM THE SOUTHERN ANDEAN FOOTHILLS ON THE WEST ECUADORIAN REGION. South American Journal of Herpetology 2(1): 1-10.
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07 agosto 2007
Atractus modestus
Rediscovery and redescription of the rare Andean snake Atractus modestus
Abstract.--Atractus modestus was described based on a single specimen from western Ecuador, and since its original description there have been no further records for this species. During the examination of Ecuadorian collections, we found additional specimens of this poorly known snake. In this paper, we redescribe the holotype of A. modestus, describe the hemipenis and report new specimens, localities, and data on meristic and morphometric variation in the species. We also compare and diagnose this species from all others members of this highly diverse genus.
Cita / Citation: Passos, P., D. F. Cisneros-Heredia & D. Salazar-V. 2007. Rediscovery and redescription of the rare Andean snake Atractus modestus. Herpetological Journal 17: 1-6.
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Rediscovery and redescription of the rare Andean snake Atractus modestus
Abstract.--Atractus modestus was described based on a single specimen from western Ecuador, and since its original description there have been no further records for this species. During the examination of Ecuadorian collections, we found additional specimens of this poorly known snake. In this paper, we redescribe the holotype of A. modestus, describe the hemipenis and report new specimens, localities, and data on meristic and morphometric variation in the species. We also compare and diagnose this species from all others members of this highly diverse genus.
Cita / Citation: Passos, P., D. F. Cisneros-Heredia & D. Salazar-V. 2007. Rediscovery and redescription of the rare Andean snake Atractus modestus. Herpetological Journal 17: 1-6.
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Hyalinobatrachium ruedai
Primer registro de Hyalinobatrachium ruedai en Ecuador con notas sobre otras especies congenericas
Resumen.--Reportamos el primer registro de Hyalinobatrachium ruedai para Ecuador, extendiendo su distribución desde Colombia hasta los flancos centrales de la Cordillera Oriental de Ecuador. El análisis del material adicional y de la serie tipo de H. ruedai nos permite discutir su variación morfológica y de coloración. Algunas características previamente conocidas solo para taxones del Macizo Guayanés (ej. iris bicolor) son reportadas en H. ruedai. Se recomienda no subdividir al grupo H. fleischmanni en subgrupos. Comentamos el estado taxonómico de algunas especies de la región Pacífica de Ecuador, caracterizamos a H. petersi y reconocemos que actualmente bajo los nombres Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni y H. valerioi hay al menos tres especies aún no descritas.
Abstract.--We report the first record of Hyalinobatrachium ruedai for Ecuador, extending its distribution range from Colombia to the central slopes of the Cordillera Oriental of Ecuador. Analysis of additional material and the type series of H. ruedai let us to comment on its morphological and coloration variation. Some characters previously known just from taxa of the Guiana Shield (eg. bicolored iris) are reported from H. ruedai. We suggest to maintain undivided the H. fleischmanni group, without recognition of subgroups. We comment on the taxonomic status of some species from the Pacific region of Ecuador, characterizing H. petersi, and recognizing that currently under the names Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni y H. valerioi there are at least three new species.
Cita / Citation: Cisneros-Heredia, D. F. & R. W. McDiarmid. 2007. Primer registro de Hyalinobatrachium ruedai en Ecuador con notas sobre otras especies congenericas. Herpetotropicos 3 (1): 21-28.
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Primer registro de Hyalinobatrachium ruedai en Ecuador con notas sobre otras especies congenericas
Resumen.--Reportamos el primer registro de Hyalinobatrachium ruedai para Ecuador, extendiendo su distribución desde Colombia hasta los flancos centrales de la Cordillera Oriental de Ecuador. El análisis del material adicional y de la serie tipo de H. ruedai nos permite discutir su variación morfológica y de coloración. Algunas características previamente conocidas solo para taxones del Macizo Guayanés (ej. iris bicolor) son reportadas en H. ruedai. Se recomienda no subdividir al grupo H. fleischmanni en subgrupos. Comentamos el estado taxonómico de algunas especies de la región Pacífica de Ecuador, caracterizamos a H. petersi y reconocemos que actualmente bajo los nombres Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni y H. valerioi hay al menos tres especies aún no descritas.
Abstract.--We report the first record of Hyalinobatrachium ruedai for Ecuador, extending its distribution range from Colombia to the central slopes of the Cordillera Oriental of Ecuador. Analysis of additional material and the type series of H. ruedai let us to comment on its morphological and coloration variation. Some characters previously known just from taxa of the Guiana Shield (eg. bicolored iris) are reported from H. ruedai. We suggest to maintain undivided the H. fleischmanni group, without recognition of subgroups. We comment on the taxonomic status of some species from the Pacific region of Ecuador, characterizing H. petersi, and recognizing that currently under the names Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni y H. valerioi there are at least three new species.
Cita / Citation: Cisneros-Heredia, D. F. & R. W. McDiarmid. 2007. Primer registro de Hyalinobatrachium ruedai en Ecuador con notas sobre otras especies congenericas. Herpetotropicos 3 (1): 21-28.
Mas información:
29 mayo 2007
Cochranella amelie sp. nov.
An enigmatic new species of Glassfrog (Amphibia: Anura: Centrolenidae) from the Amazonian Andean slopes of Ecuador
Abstract.--We describe a new species of frog of the family Centrolenidae, Cochranella amelie n. sp., from the central Amazonian Andean slopes, collected at the Oglan River, Province of Pastaza, Ecuador. This new species shows a very unusual combination of characters (lavender dorsum in preservative, absence of a humeral spine in adult males, transparent parietal peritoneum, white visceral peritonea, and bulbous liver). The relationships of this new species of Glassfrog are uncertain, and its assignment to Cochranella is preliminary.
Resumen.--Describimos una nueva especie de rana de la familia Centrolenidae, Cochranella amelie n. sp., de los flancos Andinos Amazónicos centrales, colectada en el Río Oglán, Provincia de Pastaza, Ecuador. Esta nueva especie presenta una muy inusual combinación de caracteres (dorso de color lavanda en preservante, ausencia de espina humeral en machos adultos, peritoneo parietal transparente, peritoneos viscerales blancos, e hígado bulboso). Las relaciones de esta nueva especie de Rana de Cristal son inciertas y su asignación a Cochranella es preliminar.
Cita / Citation: Cisneros-Heredia, D. F. & P. Meza-Ramos. 2007. An enigmatic new species of Glassfrog (Amphibia: Anura: Centrolenidae) from the Amazonian Andean slopes of Ecuador. Zootaxa 1485: 33-41.
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An enigmatic new species of Glassfrog (Amphibia: Anura: Centrolenidae) from the Amazonian Andean slopes of Ecuador
Abstract.--We describe a new species of frog of the family Centrolenidae, Cochranella amelie n. sp., from the central Amazonian Andean slopes, collected at the Oglan River, Province of Pastaza, Ecuador. This new species shows a very unusual combination of characters (lavender dorsum in preservative, absence of a humeral spine in adult males, transparent parietal peritoneum, white visceral peritonea, and bulbous liver). The relationships of this new species of Glassfrog are uncertain, and its assignment to Cochranella is preliminary.
Resumen.--Describimos una nueva especie de rana de la familia Centrolenidae, Cochranella amelie n. sp., de los flancos Andinos Amazónicos centrales, colectada en el Río Oglán, Provincia de Pastaza, Ecuador. Esta nueva especie presenta una muy inusual combinación de caracteres (dorso de color lavanda en preservante, ausencia de espina humeral en machos adultos, peritoneo parietal transparente, peritoneos viscerales blancos, e hígado bulboso). Las relaciones de esta nueva especie de Rana de Cristal son inciertas y su asignación a Cochranella es preliminar.
Cita / Citation: Cisneros-Heredia, D. F. & P. Meza-Ramos. 2007. An enigmatic new species of Glassfrog (Amphibia: Anura: Centrolenidae) from the Amazonian Andean slopes of Ecuador. Zootaxa 1485: 33-41.
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15 marzo 2007
Systematics Thecadactylus
Systematics and biogeography of the widespread Neotropical gekkonid genus Thecadactylus (Squamata), with the description of a new cryptic species
Thecadactylus solimoensis sp. nov.
Abstract: The systematics of the widespread neotropical gekkonid genus Thecadactylus is investigated using a combination of morphological, morphometric and mtDNA (cytochrome b) sequence data, forming a total evidence dataset. The analysis tackles the common yet complex problem of a widespread taxon consisting of one or more cryptic species that are difficult to diagnose using morphology alone. The data are analysed using both maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. Virtually all analyses resolve a well-supported south-western Amazonian clade distinct from the remainder of the recognized T. rapicauda. The south-western Amazonian clade is not only robustly supported, but also exclusive, geographically coherent and sufficiently distinct to warrant specific recognition. The new species is diagnosable on the basis of molecular sequences that are 23.0–26.9% divergent from those of T. rapicauda, and morphological evidence. Bayesian inference analysis robustly resolves meaningful and repeatable patterns of relationship. The biogeography of Thecadactylus is interpreted in the context of its two constituent species, and difficulties of resolving systematic and biogeographical patterns in widespread, cosmopolitan taxa are discussed.
Cita / Citation: BERGMANN, P. J. & RUSSELL, A. P. (2007) Systematics and biogeography of the widespread Neotropical gekkonid genus Thecadactylus (Squamata), with the description of a new cryptic species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 149, 339–370.
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Corresponding author: PHILIP J. BERGMANN
Related publication: Kronauera et al. (2005) A phylogeographically distinct and deep divergence in the widespread Neotropical turnip-tailed gecko, Thecadactylus rapicauda. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 34 (2005) 431–437. (doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2004.10.009; available at
Systematics and biogeography of the widespread Neotropical gekkonid genus Thecadactylus (Squamata), with the description of a new cryptic species
Thecadactylus solimoensis sp. nov.
Abstract: The systematics of the widespread neotropical gekkonid genus Thecadactylus is investigated using a combination of morphological, morphometric and mtDNA (cytochrome b) sequence data, forming a total evidence dataset. The analysis tackles the common yet complex problem of a widespread taxon consisting of one or more cryptic species that are difficult to diagnose using morphology alone. The data are analysed using both maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. Virtually all analyses resolve a well-supported south-western Amazonian clade distinct from the remainder of the recognized T. rapicauda. The south-western Amazonian clade is not only robustly supported, but also exclusive, geographically coherent and sufficiently distinct to warrant specific recognition. The new species is diagnosable on the basis of molecular sequences that are 23.0–26.9% divergent from those of T. rapicauda, and morphological evidence. Bayesian inference analysis robustly resolves meaningful and repeatable patterns of relationship. The biogeography of Thecadactylus is interpreted in the context of its two constituent species, and difficulties of resolving systematic and biogeographical patterns in widespread, cosmopolitan taxa are discussed.
Cita / Citation: BERGMANN, P. J. & RUSSELL, A. P. (2007) Systematics and biogeography of the widespread Neotropical gekkonid genus Thecadactylus (Squamata), with the description of a new cryptic species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 149, 339–370.
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Corresponding author: PHILIP J. BERGMANN
Related publication: Kronauera et al. (2005) A phylogeographically distinct and deep divergence in the widespread Neotropical turnip-tailed gecko, Thecadactylus rapicauda. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 34 (2005) 431–437. (doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2004.10.009; available at
05 marzo 2007
Lampropeltis, Osteocephalus, Oxybelis, Xenoxybelis
On the distribution and conservation of Lampropeltis triangulum (LACÉPÈDE, 1789) in Ecuador
Ecuadorian distribution of snakes of the genera Oxybelis WAGLER, 1830 and Xenoxybelis MACHADO, 1993
Notes on some Osteocephalus treefrogs from Amazonian Ecuador
Resumen: Notas sobre la distribución, historia natural y conservación de serpientes de los géneros Lampropeltis (Lampropeltis triangulum mocropholis), Oxybelis (Oxybelis aeneus, Oxybelis brevirostris, Oxybelis fulgidus) y Xenoxybelis (Xenoxybelis argenteus) y de Ranas Arborícolas del género Osteocephalus (Osteocephalus yasuni, Osteocephalus mutabor) publicadas en Herpetozoa 19 (3/4)
Abstract: Notes on the distribution, natural history and conservation of snakes of the genera Lampropeltis (Lampropeltis triangulum mocropholis), Oxybelis (Oxybelis aeneus, Oxybelis brevirostris, Oxybelis fulgidus) y Xenoxybelis (Xenoxybelis argenteus) and of Treefrogs of the genus Osteocephalus (Osteocephalus yasuni, Osteocephalus mutabor) published in Herpetozoa 19 (3/4).
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On the distribution and conservation of Lampropeltis triangulum (LACÉPÈDE, 1789) in Ecuador
Ecuadorian distribution of snakes of the genera Oxybelis WAGLER, 1830 and Xenoxybelis MACHADO, 1993
Notes on some Osteocephalus treefrogs from Amazonian Ecuador
Resumen: Notas sobre la distribución, historia natural y conservación de serpientes de los géneros Lampropeltis (Lampropeltis triangulum mocropholis), Oxybelis (Oxybelis aeneus, Oxybelis brevirostris, Oxybelis fulgidus) y Xenoxybelis (Xenoxybelis argenteus) y de Ranas Arborícolas del género Osteocephalus (Osteocephalus yasuni, Osteocephalus mutabor) publicadas en Herpetozoa 19 (3/4)
Abstract: Notes on the distribution, natural history and conservation of snakes of the genera Lampropeltis (Lampropeltis triangulum mocropholis), Oxybelis (Oxybelis aeneus, Oxybelis brevirostris, Oxybelis fulgidus) y Xenoxybelis (Xenoxybelis argenteus) and of Treefrogs of the genus Osteocephalus (Osteocephalus yasuni, Osteocephalus mutabor) published in Herpetozoa 19 (3/4).
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Phyllonastes Ecuador & Peru
New records of Phyllonastes HEYER, 1977 from Ecuador and Peru.
Resumen: Los primeros reportes de Phyllonastes myrmecoides de Ecuador y de Phyllonastes lochites de Peru, con algunos comentarios sobre la diversidad del género en ambos paises.
Abstract: First reports of Phyllonastes myrmecoides from Ecuador and Phyllonastes lochites from Peru, with some comments on the diversity of the genus in both countries.
Cita / Citation: New records of Phyllonastes HEYER, 1977 from Ecuador and Peru. Herpetozoa 19 (3/4): 184-186.
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New records of Phyllonastes HEYER, 1977 from Ecuador and Peru.
Resumen: Los primeros reportes de Phyllonastes myrmecoides de Ecuador y de Phyllonastes lochites de Peru, con algunos comentarios sobre la diversidad del género en ambos paises.
Abstract: First reports of Phyllonastes myrmecoides from Ecuador and Phyllonastes lochites from Peru, with some comments on the diversity of the genus in both countries.
Cita / Citation: New records of Phyllonastes HEYER, 1977 from Ecuador and Peru. Herpetozoa 19 (3/4): 184-186.
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28 febrero 2007
Tres Ranas de Cristal
Amphibia, Anura, Centrolenidae, Centrolene balionotum, Centrolene geckoideum, and Cochranella cariticommata: Distribution extension, new provincial records, Ecuador.
Abstract: New information on the distribution of three poorly-known species of Glassfrogs from Ecuador: Centrolene balionotum, Centrolene geckoideum, and Cochranella cariticommata.
Resumen: Nueva información sobre la distribución de tres especies de Ranas de Cristal pobremente conocidas en Ecuador: Centrolene balionotum, Centrolene geckoideum, and Cochranella cariticommata.
Cita / Citation: Amphibia, Anura, Centrolenidae, Centrolene balionotum, Centrolene geckoideum, and Cochranella cariticommata: Distribution extension, new provincial records, Ecuador. Check List 3(1): 39-42.
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Amphibia, Anura, Centrolenidae, Centrolene balionotum, Centrolene geckoideum, and Cochranella cariticommata: Distribution extension, new provincial records, Ecuador.
Abstract: New information on the distribution of three poorly-known species of Glassfrogs from Ecuador: Centrolene balionotum, Centrolene geckoideum, and Cochranella cariticommata.
Resumen: Nueva información sobre la distribución de tres especies de Ranas de Cristal pobremente conocidas en Ecuador: Centrolene balionotum, Centrolene geckoideum, and Cochranella cariticommata.
Cita / Citation: Amphibia, Anura, Centrolenidae, Centrolene balionotum, Centrolene geckoideum, and Cochranella cariticommata: Distribution extension, new provincial records, Ecuador. Check List 3(1): 39-42.
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