A new frog species (Strabomantidae: Pristimantis) from the High Andes of Southeastern Ecuador
Abstract.-- Bustamante & Mendelson (2008) described Pristimantis gagliardoi, a new medium sized (SVL 19.06–33.64 mm) Pristimantis species from the Andean forests of southeastern Ecuador. This species was referred to the P. unistrigatus group. It differs from other members in the unistrigatus group by the presence of large conical tubercles on the eyelid and heel, small conical ulnar and tarsal tubercles, suprascapular dermal ridges, and bronze iris.
Cita / Citation: Bustamante, M. R. & Mendelson, J.R., III (2008) A new frog species (Strabomantidae: Pristimantis) from the High Andes of Southeastern Ecuador. Zootaxa 1820: 49/59.
Correo electrónico del autor: Martin Bustamante mrbustamante@puce.edu.ec.
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